This week, Grade 3 students were asked to relax, close their eyes and they were taken through a visualization exercise where they had to imagine their most prized possession. After sharing their special objects with the class, students noticed some patterns; there were many toys, technology, sports items and musical instruments on their list. Next, they viewed a slide show of kids from all over the world -from many different countries, backgrounds and socioeconomic groups. Grade 3 students were asked to identify what was similar and what was different between their choices and those of other kids. You can view the slide show here:
Most Prized Possessions
In the beginning, it was the differences that many students noticed, such as that many of the items they chose were expensive. As we discussed the photos, students noticed that there were similarities too. They noticed that all of the children seemed like they wanted to have fun! They chose many kinds of toys and wanted to play :) They think that having fun is a very important part of being a kid! is it a need? There were many more reflections that will be displayed with the quilt at our next Celebration of Arts.
All students are contributing a print of their most prized possession to the quilt this week. Each student is designing a plate which they are using to print onto the quilt. We hope you enjoy it!
Most Prized Possessions
In the beginning, it was the differences that many students noticed, such as that many of the items they chose were expensive. As we discussed the photos, students noticed that there were similarities too. They noticed that all of the children seemed like they wanted to have fun! They chose many kinds of toys and wanted to play :) They think that having fun is a very important part of being a kid! is it a need? There were many more reflections that will be displayed with the quilt at our next Celebration of Arts.
All students are contributing a print of their most prized possession to the quilt this week. Each student is designing a plate which they are using to print onto the quilt. We hope you enjoy it!