New Book Covers!

Each September GWA artists look forward to creating a new cover for their art books. It's exciting to see how students have grown as artists each year. Because students are so proud of their Art books and the art and learning inside them, these covers are a very important way to share learning. Parents, please take a look at the ''About GWA Art' tab for more information on our Art books. Here are some of this year's new designs:

Grade 2: 'Ish' portraits inspired by Peter H. Reynolds' book, Ish. 

Students practised touching their face to identify the shape and looking at themselves in the mirror to draw a self-portrait.

Grade 3 : More 'Ish' portraits inspired by Peter H. Reynolds' book, Ish.  

Grade 3 students are still working on completing theirs. They paid particular attention to the patterns they used.  It was especially inspiring to see the students gain confidence, even though some were initially nervous about creating the portraits! Next day these students will add water colour paint to finish them off!

Grade 4: Mannequin Study 

Students are working with mannequins for their covers. Students were challenged to position the mannequin in a way that showed something about themselves. Their final piece of work was to show movement through their use of pattern and line.