smART centers

We all know that art is fun, but don't forget.... it makes us smarter as well! Grade 2 is being introduced to our new smART centers in class during this cycle. Students will alternate between small group instruction with the teacher and more self-directed independent art centers. This will allow for students to be provided with differentiated lessons based on interest or skill and the freedom to practise skills or explore interests during smART centres!

During this cycle, students who worked with the teacher learned about how to use the observational drawing center. I am very proud of the progress that they are making so quickly in their drawing! Here are a few reflections from Grade 2KR:

I thought that painting was the most fun, but when I learned to draw, I thought hat that was really fun too! I learned to do sketching so it looks real! -Miral

I thought that drawing was really boring, but now that I learned, I think it's really fun! -Ahlam

Before I like dpainting more, But now I like drawing too. I had fun doing it! Art makes you feel good! -Amin

Art is from your heART-Omar

Parents, if you'd like to read about some of the benefits of Visual Arts read the articles below: