Arts and crafts are a great way to learn about the Muslim faith. The Islamic world is filled with attractive architecture, colorful mosaics and beautiful calligraphy that appeals to both children and adults. GWA will be providing an opportunity for their students both Muslims and Non-Muslims to display their art skills by taking part in Islamic Art competition. The topic is  “Islam in UAE”. The students are required to make art work can be presented according to the following criteria:

  •  The posters should be A3 or A4 size
  • Art projects can also be made from wood, clay, tiles and different materials
  • Although there can be human figures, but drawing their facial features should be avoided
  •  No verses from the Holy Quran should be written

The students will be required to submit their art pieces by MAY 31, 2012. This competition is aimed to exhibit the students understanding of Islamic culture and beliefs.

The best entries will be awarded with a prize in the assembly.

The following are a few websites which will help students generate some ideas for their art work: