Still Life with Grade 3

I have been anxious to do this project for months and I was so happy to see that the students loved it as much as I did! We started with a warm-up contour drawing of a house plant. Grade 3 is becoming so skilled at finding the details in objects -inside and outside art class.

We then imagined our plant as if it was sitting on on the large sheet of black paper. We would have to draw it so that it filled in most of the space on our paper. Students then carefully followed the lines of the leaves and flowers until they had a beautiful line drawing. Sometimes we added extra leaves or flowers to balance our composition.

Next came the exciting part. We had to trace our lines with glue! Yes... glue. It took some practise to hold the bottle so that we got just the kind of line we wanted. Once the papers were covered with beautiful white flowers, we put them aside to dry. The glue will transform into shiny black lines, the perfect base for our chalk pastels next week! Stay tuned. They will be worth the wait.

And here we are working on the chalk...

A final piece: Alice requested that I post her picture as a special gift to her grandma, who has been visiting her in Dubai. I love how you blended the colours Alice!