Franz Marc Inspired Animals

Franz Marc's 'Blue Horse' was a great way to begin our discussion about why it's important to know how to draw AND the importance of being creative. Grade 3 students worked through our See-Think-Wonder visual thinking routine and came up with many interesting observations and questions about the painting.

Next, we read the book by Eric Carle 'The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse' and listened to Eric Carle talk about why Franz Marc was such an inspiration to him.

Students were very eager to get busy!

After a discussion about the use of Space when planning our art, Grade three students grabbed their very large papers and set to work, planning and drawing an animal to use the space on their page. Strategies from last day's lesson helped!

The last part was very fun! With a mixture of black paint and glue, students set to work adding dark lines of glue to their animal. Many decisions had to be made! How thick were the lines going to be? What kind of texture should they add to the animal? What lines would best suit the ecosystem and the feelings they wanted to show? 

Be sure to check back next week to see these great works of art transform as students decide how to add colour to them!