An Interview with an Artist

Grade 5KL: preparing for their interview with a famous artist. 

Grade 5 students are busy researching and making a mask of their artist. After 2 classes to work on the project, they will be hosting an interview with their artist (using the mask) to share their learning with classmates. One part of the assignment is that they must share something about the artist's style of art with the class. Students must either make a piece of art in the artist's style or include something in the mask that tells about the artist. Can you spot Georgia O'Keeffe in the picture above? Picasso (in his blue period)? Matisse (I think he lost a few shapes on his forehead!)?

We have seen Pollock splashing paint about in the back room, monkeys hanging around Frida Khalo and Paul Klee experimenting with lines in acrylic paint. The art room has been a busy place!

You would likely find this artist outside, watching the changing light :)
Who could be hiding behind the floating apple? 

Grade 5AL